Monday, May 25, 2009

Beer Myths -- re-post (sorry)

Due to the hectic time that I have had (read post below this to understand why) I decided to just do a re-post of a post I made a couple weeks ago that is an easy read for someone. I am working on most posts now but wanted to get one up tonight.

After going out both days this weekend and talking with some people who don't know their beer at all I feel that it is now my responsibility to dispel some myths about beer.

1) Beer makes you fat, causes beer belly etc. - Being lazy and eating more calories than you burn makes you fat. Because beer contains calories you can gain weight from drinking it, but so will energy drinks and Gatorade. Beer itself does not magically make you get a beer belly, being lazy and sitting on the couch all day while drinking beer does.

2) Beer should be as cold as possible to taste best - This is only true if you are drinking cheap, watery, crap beers. If you drink good beers, most of the time chilled but not cold is the best way to drink it, drinking something that is ice cold masks flavors, and in the case of cheap beer that is a good thing. But when you have good beer being that cold will hide some of the complexities and good flavors. This is also the reason why frosty glasses are one of my biggest pet peeves.

3) Dark beer is stronger than light beer - This is not true, though there tends to be that correlation. My favorite type of beer, a Belgian tripel is usually brewed to about 8-10% ABV but is a very light beer. The same goes for heavy beers being stronger. Budweiser is a pretty dark and heavier beer than most wheat beers, but the mircobrewed wheat beers are usually much stronger alchol-wise.

4) Beer kills brain cells - Simply not true, as proven by an austrialian study, because I am sure nobody beieves me, here is a link to the story. Beer not so bad

There so I hope I have at least dispelled a few myths that tend to bug the shit out of me when people argue with me about them being true. Now I hope that you will never be one of those people. Feel free to share the myths that bug you the most.

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